Sphärenklänge made in Düsseldorf: Lars Leonhard komponiert für die NASA
Heute veröffentlichte die US-amerikanische Luft- und Raumfahrtbehörde NASA einen Film, der erstmals aus der einzigartigen Perspektive des Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)-Satelliten aufgezeichnete Bilder der Sonnencorona zeigt. Musikalisch untermalt ist der Tanz über 50.000 Grad Celsius heißer Gaswolken im Magnetfeld der Sonne mit Musik des Düsseldorfer Elektronikmusikers und Produzenten Lars Leonhard. Die exklusive Kooperation mit der NASA ist ein weiterer Meilenstein für Leonhard, dessen Kompositionen Hörer in aller Welt begeistern.
Raining Loops on the Sun – Music: „Thunderbolt“ by Lars Leonhard
Credit: NASA/SDO/Goddard Scientific Visualization Studio
The original Soundtrack “ Thunderbolt“ of the NASA Video “ Fiery Looping Rain on the Sun „OUT NOW !!!
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Picture/Credit: NASA/SDO/Goddard Scientific Visualization Studio
Ethereal sounds made in Duesseldorf: Lars Leonhard composing for NASA
Today the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will release a new film that shows never-seen-before images of the sun´s corona captured by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The dance of enormously hot gas clouds in the solar magnetic field will be accompanied by a composition of Duesseldorf-based electronic musician and producer Lars Leonhard.
On his debut album 1549, Lars Leonhard dealt with one of the most dramatic events of modern aviation history by documenting the emergency ditching of U.S. Airways Flight 1549 of January 2009. A posting of his unreleased instrumental „Thunderbolt“ on YouTube drew the attention of NASA scientists to the artist who now rounds out the spectacular images of the space mission to a unique audio-visual experience.
The exclusive cooperation with NASA is a further milestone for Lars Leonhard who already inspires listeners around the world. In March, his new album with Alvina Red, Seasons – Les quatre saisons, is to be published by BineMusic, an Essen-based record label.
There will be also a vinyl release on the label DimbiDeep Music in cooperation with the artist Shebuzzz and an EP release on Diamtral Records which are rather produced for the dance floor. Thus, a non – profit ep is planned for the label Dreiton that year.
Feel free to support/buy my latest CD album “ 1549 “
Link to YOUTUBE : http://youtu.be/HFT7ATLQQx8
The original Soundtrack “ Thunderbolt“ of the NASA Video “ Fiery Looping Rain on the Sun „OUT NOW !!!
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Picture/Credit: NASA/SDO/Goddard Scientific Visualization Studio
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