I am proudly working on a very big project. What an honor being part of it. Stay tuned for more soon
♪♫ Happy New Year ♫♪
In time for 2020 my album ORBIT is official out nowin all digital major stores and streaming services like Amazon, Itunes and Spotify etc. ENJOY
ORBIT out now !!!
Dear friends, I can proudly announce my new full length album „ORBIT“. Short notice: the release of the CD album „ORBIT“ on Bandcamp will be postponed to 20th December 2019. I`ll keep you posted. Have fun listening, relaxing and enjoying deep electronic music. DISCOVER THE ALBUM HERE 24 bit high quality mastering by Christian Vogel […]
Dive Into TESS’s Southern Sky Panorama
It is so awesome being part of the recent NASA video and to underline the overwhelming impressions with my music. Music: „Above Clouds“ from Above and Below. Written and produced by Lars Leonhard , Credits: NASA’s Godard Space Flight Center Read more:…/nasa-s-tess-presents-panorama-of-sou… Francis Reddy (University of Maryland College Park): Lead Science Writer Claire Andreoli (NASA/GSFC): Public […]