Lars Leonhard – Geometric Shapes

Dear friends, I can proudly announce my new full-length album, „Geometric Shapes.“ You can freely purchase my album in August. How to make use of the special offer? Fill in a 0 in the minimum price section for free purchasing or pay what you like. Thank you for your great support over the last few […]

NASA’s Black Hole Orrery

After collaborating with NASA for almost ten years, the collaboration has led to many amazing videos with my background music. I want to happily announce the next brand-new NASA video, “NASA’s Black Hole Orrery,” applying my track “Event Horizon” from my album GRAVITY. Enjoy 🙂 Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and Scientific Visualization Studio […]


Many thanks for your great support to my brand-new album ‚GRAVITY‘ on Bandcamp. The album is official out now on all digital major stores like Amazon, iTunes, Spotify etc.

Lars Leonhard – GRAVITY

Dear friends and fans, I proudly present my new album „GRAVITY.“ You can freely purchase my album for all my friends and fans in February. How to make use of the special offer? Fill in a 0 in the minimum price section for free purchasing or pay what you like. Thank you for your great […]


Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.Mehr erfahren Video laden YouTube immer entsperren Active October Sun Releases X-Class Flare Aus der langjährigen Zusammenarbeit mit der US-amerikanischen Raumfahrtbehörde NASA, geht dieses brandneue, wundervolle Video hervor. Es ist für mich immer wieder eine riesen Freude und vor allem eine große Ehre, Teil dieses […]