Beitrag von Lars Leonhard.
CD compilation by sub.spiele “ LAVALAND „
NEW! sub.spiele Various artists CD compilation “ LAVALAND “ includes my track “ Mountain View „. Check it out! Beitrag von Lars Leonhard. when traveling through oregon last year i stumbled across this mystic place. the entire landscape was covered in lava. odly enough, quite a few trees had found their way to grow on […]
Klangschleife compilation Vol.2
A new various artists, dub techno compilation Vol.2 out now on Klangschleife, includes my track „Stratus“. The daily flood of tunes has led us to present a small but very well chosen selection of Dub Techno routed tracks. Our artists spared no effort to provide you with the best tracks they have ever produced. Each […]
„Passenger At Night“ preview
A first, short preview of my third full length CD album forthcoming on BineMusic in May 11th. Beitrag von Lars Leonhard.
Lars Leonhard & Beat Ride
Beitrag von Lars Leonhard.